Collated by Ridhima Mangal
Diwali is a season of lights, celebration and happiness. The whole country is soaked in the spirit of festivities. There is exchange of love and gifts between family and friends. But for some lovers of cards and gambling, it is more like a blue blooded teen patti season.
With Diwali comes the season of playing card games, gamblers spend the entire month shuffling cards and betting money. For those of you who belong to this category of teen patti lovers, here are some variations to try.
Play this with your friends and family to add more fun to your card sessions this festive season!
Joker Hunt
Give 3 cards to everyone, then open on the table cards which are twice the number of players plus three…e.g. if there are 5 players, then open 5*2 + 3 = 13 cards on the table. Now the game has 2 rounds in which each player either picks up one open card and discards one of his own into the pack or if he doesn’t want to pick any card, he just closes one card on the table i.e. turns it face down. So, in each round 5 cards, one per player, will be closed or removed and after 2 such rounds we will be left with three cards open on the table…which will be the three jokers…then the game proceeds as normal.
Closest to 555
Give 3 cards to everyone, the best game is the one closest to 555 arranging the cards as digits (ace being 1 and picture cards being 0). Closest can be either greater or lower than 555…for 2 rounds player can exchange one card of their game with a new one from the pack in order to improve their game by paying 2 counters for it. They have to first give up a card and then get a new card…after 2 rounds we have normal betting.
Rotating Jokers
Give each player 3 front of each player we have one open card and one closed card, the open card is that players private joker…normal game goes one…if any player packs his game, then the closed card in front of that player becomes a universal joker for everyone and the all the open jokers rotate in the direction of the deal…i.e. each player now gets the joker of the player before him.
This game proceeds turn-wise…each player plays separately. At the players turn, the dealer opens cards in front of him…and the player has to bet some amount based on how likely he thinks the next card will lie sequentially in between the 2 open cards (for e.g 3 and 10..player has to bet how likely he thinks the next card will be in between 3 and 10) ….the minimum bet is always 1 counter. The game goes on till some player wins the full money.
Jokers open at 10, 20 30
Give 3 cards to everyone, keep 3 cards on the table face down….these are three jokers but are not shown in the beginning of the round. The first one will be opened when the money on the table is 10, the 2nd one will open when the money is 20 and 3rd one when the money is 30.
In this game, each player gets 6 cards, and he has to arrange the cards into three separate games: the first game has three cards and is a normal royal game, the second game is of two cards and is just ‘imagine one’ and last game is one card and is highest card wins…After all players have arranged their cards, the game proceeds by betting first on the 3 card game, then on the 2 card game and finally on the 1 card game…the player who wins the 2 (or more) out of the three games, wins the overall ‘3-2-1’ and takes all the money…if there is a 3-way tie i.e. 3 different players win one game each, then ‘3-2-1 repeats with only these three players…the others are eliminated.
Optionally, in this game one could have 2 jokers for the 3 cards game and 1 joker for the 2 card game…the jokers open only after each player has set his game i.e. decided how to split the 6 cards as 3, 2 and 1 card games.
1-2-3 shopping
In this game each player initially gets three cards, and then there are 3 rounds of shopping. In the first round each player can pay 1 counter and for that he has to first discard one card and then get a new card. In the second round, each player can pay 2 counters and then this time he first gets one card and then discards after seeing all four cards. In the third round of shopping, each player can pay 3 counters and gets 2 cards and then decides his best game based on that by discarding 2 cards and retaining 3 cards finally. The players need not participate in all or any of these rounds of shopping for new cards. After all the three rounds are done, normal game proceeds. Optionally, a joker can be opened at the end of all 3 rounds of shopping to add a little twist at the end.
In and Out
This game is played in a number of different ways. The way we play it is turn-wise.
Each player puts 2 counters on the table…. The dealer gives each player 3 cards and opens 3 jokers on the table. Then turn by turn, each player says whether he is ‘in’ or ‘out’ meaning whether or not he thinks his game is good enough to play…If a player says he/she is out then his cards now are the new jokers replacing the previously opened jokers
Finally once everyone has their turn, if more than one player is ‘in’ then they compare games based on the final jokers and optionally one universal joker that remains stable i.e. is never replaced. The player with the highest game takes all the money in the kitty and the loser/losers have to pay that same amount in the centre…the game continues till there is no money in the table, which can happen only when there is only one player who says he is ‘in’.
This game is a variation of in-out where each player is given 3 cards and there are 3 jokers open on the table. The players must all at the same time state whether they are ‘in’ or ‘out’. This is done by everybody simultaneously putting their thumbs up or down and the difference is the ‘temperature’ card that opens in the end. After everybody says whether they are in or out, a card is taken from the deck and kept open on the table. This is the ‘temperature’ card. If the card is between ace and 6, the lowest game wins and if it is between 7 and king , then the highest game wins as normal. This is the twist to the normal ‘in-out’ game. The rest of the rules remain the same as in the ‘in-out’ game described above.
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